Countrows based on two disconnected tables - containsstring/find

Hi all,

I have a couple of problems I was hoping that some of you might be able to help me with.
I have a large dataset that consists of projects, principle investigator, source of income and type of projects. I have no problems with basic calculations such as number of projects per principle investigator etc. However, im struggling more when it comes to calculating number of projects per source and or type of projects. The reason for this is that each project can be funded by numerous sources (10 different), and can be categorized by many types (8 different). Each source and type and separated by “;”.

Project PI Type Source
A Eric Health; Work State
B Curt Work Own
C Damon Health State; Own
D Patrick Health Own
E June Work; Health Own; State

I have created two disconnected tables, one for source and one for type, and are planning on using them as slicers.

What I want is:

  1. Calculate number of projects that contains a specific type or source and display it in a card. E.g If I select “Health” the result should be 4. If I select Work, the result should be 3.
  2. Calculate number of projects that contains both a specific type and source. If I select both Health (slicer 1) and State (slicer 2) the result would be 3.

I have attached an example of my data as an Excel-file and as a pbix-file. In my original source I have approx 500 projects, 10 different sources and 8 different types. I tried to make measures for calculating number of projects based on selectedvalue in a slicer using the following DAX;

No of projects pr source = 
VAR _a=SELECTEDVALUE('Dis Table Source'[Source])

    [No of projects], 
    FIND(_a,'Fact'[Source], ,0)>0))

However this does not work. Perhaps the “Find”-function is the problem, and it should be swapped for “containsstring”?

Further to be able to calculate based on both slicers (source and type) I was thinking of combining the two measures, but can wrap my head around how to do this.

In the Excel-file attached, I show

If whis was unclear, please let me know.


Disconnected tables.pbix (27.8 KB)
Disconnected tables.xlsx (10.3 KB)


I added 3 measures and they seen to do the job
possible there are other more elegant solutions but try this one

hope this helps you
kind regards


source and type calculations.pbix (40.6 KB)

Hi Roger,

Thanks alot, that worked (almost). I sadly forgot to mention that some projects are registered more than once. Is there a way to incororporate a distinct count into your measures ?

I tried swapping out countrows for “distinctcount”, “distinct” and “values”, but cant get any of them to work.


Please take advantage of Data Mentor/EDNA AI within the EDNA platform to help you with your solution.



can you upload the xlsx file with some more data and what the result would be?
A measure taking into account project, source and type?

Take a look at the attached excel file where I used the get and transform option from excel ( or Power BI)
with the result a proper workable list that you can upload in power BI

If you data is structured in the same way as you sample xlsx file

kind regards

Source and Type.xlsx (110.2 KB)


the transformation ( your factable ) to a more workable list as shown in the above screen shot is dynamic
so if you add more data to you factable the other list is updated when you refresh the data
see screenshot below.
I’m still waiting for an updated factable & wanted output to adjust the measures

kind regards



Hi Roger,

Sorry for not getting back to you earlier, Ive been out of town.

I have never noticed in the Power Query that you can split by delimiter into rows (only columns). As you wrote in your latest reply this made it so much easier, and simple measures did the trick.

Thanks alot ! :smiley:


the spliting of the columns is not the issue, check if the "the unpivot the column " is working correctly
in your dataset, the order is not always the same, see "Health , Work " & " Work , Health ".
If there are more than 2 items in the column then adjust the # of splittings the columns and the unpivot



Hi Roger,

Thanks again.
I see what you mean. You split the column into “new” columns by delimeter and then used the “unpivot columns” after. I thought you had split the columns into rows (which is also and option under “split columns”). This way I didnt have to unpivot the columns after.
