Count Zero stock occurrences and time product is out of stock

Hi All,

I am building a supply chain dash board at our company and a big problem we are having is STOCK OUTS.

I have a table of over 5 million rows that contains all our SAP movement data inside inbound goods in and outbound issues to production.

From here i have created the cumulative / Running totals measures very easily from the Enterprise DNA superb videos using (CTA = Cumulative Total All (All meaning all filter))

CALCULATE([Total Quantity],
    FILTER( ALL( Dates ),
        Dates[Date] <= MAX( Dates[Date] )))

//All Statement takes all dates from start of time upto last date.

Now I see some information such as (See screen shot of my table)

  1. Date that stock hit zero
  2. length of time stock was at zero before goods in stock was received.

My problem is I cannot figure out how to…

  1. Count the unique amount of times that product hit Zero stock? i have created a IF statement, N Stock Outs = IF( [CTA QTY] <= 0, “1”, “0”) as this creates a 0 and 1 for me but i dont know really where i go from here ? to get it to uniquely identify an exact count of a stock out date.

  2. Create the N of days with zero stock. Potentially the formula above gives me a consecutive run of 1s i could some how count all those up and get a total but i dont know how to do it.

Is it possible one of you clever people can show me how to do it?



Ok the key here is understand iterating functions and how they work logic through a table (or virtual table) at every single row.

Instead of using if statements you should be using either…



     FILTER( ALL( .......),
            Some logic here for every row )

The context of you calculation is very important here also.

If you are looking for answers in the card visualization this means that basically there is no context other than what is coming from the slicers in your report. But if you are able to select specific products in a slicer this bring a new element to the calculations.

So for example you probably want something like this.

      SUMMARIZE( StockTable, DateColumn, ProductNameColumn,
              "StockAmount", [CTA QTY] ),
                          [StockAmount] = 0 )

Something like the above I think will get you there.

Other than this would need to see an example file to assist any further as there could be other things to consider, but this is my best guess based on the information provided so far.

Some tutorials to review



Thanks for your reply and firstly congrats on your site ! its been very useful to me and don’t mind paying a fee for your professional help and excellent videos, well done.

Onto the business!

  1. OK so i don’t just want the number in a card i need to be able to show it in the table in the screen shot alongside each material name. As i have it in the file

  2. How about the number of total days the product has been out of stock? i also need that in the table too. again as is in the file i just added a question mark where i need the result as i dont know the formula.

  3. I tried your formula however it didn’t seem to work is it for a measure or new calculated table? the table is my file runs through dates look up / filter table as shown in file uploaded.

    SUMMARIZE( StockTable, DateColumn, ProductNameColumn,
    “StockAmount”, [CTA QTY] ),
    [StockAmount] = 0 )

Test file attached for you to play with.

SAM Material and Production lead times Power BI Tool.pbix (2.1 MB)

Thanks appreciated


Ok first thing.

You’ve got to get your model sorted first before you do anything.

I see here your date table isn’t even connected to anything. It’s no use unless there is a relationship.

Highly recommend going through this course here when you next have a chance

To me this is what you model should look like.

From here look to simplify things. (this is what I do all the time)

I’m just looking to get to the core problem here that needs to be solved.

To me there’s also some things wrong with your data here. The materials table doesn’t match up to the fact table of SAP stock movement. A quick bit of auditing got me here.

And regarding this formula here


This calculates a cumulative total, but I’m very confused as to how this is relevant in this example?

How does this work into your calculation for your stock levels.

Overall, there’s quite a bit not working well here.

I think you’ll really have to understand a bit more about how you can setup up this well in your model and how you ultimately want to visualize things a bit more before moving on.



Its a Sample file, and a lot of data had to be removed in order to send it to you and condense it to a reasonable size and protect privacy. I have made a sample for you and cleaned it up.

  1. I see here your date table isn’t even connected to anything. It’s no use unless there is a relationship. = Maybe i missed reconnecting it after i was playing with other problem i had with circular data.

  2. Highly recommend going through this course here when you next have a chance = Watched it and i understand think i just missed reconnecting it not a biggie.

  3. I’m just looking to get to the core problem here that needs to be solved. = Me too but need your help to solve it.

  4. The materials table doesn’t match up to the fact table of SAP stock movement. A quick bit of auditing got me here. = I see there are some issues with my main SAP data yes ill try and clean it up.

  5. This calculates a cumulative total, but I’m very confused as to how this is relevant in this example? How does this work into your calculation for your stock levels. = Total quantity is the total QTY of the stock movements added together. i was thinking i can use it to highlight the out of stock times?

  6. I think you’ll really have to understand a bit more about how you can setup up this well in your model and how you ultimately want to visualize things a bit more before moving on. = I feel i do understand it maybe just a mix up with the sample table i sent you.

As for visualization i would like a table that displays columns with

. Date
. Material name
. Total stock = As of now for each item
. UOM = Unit of measure
. N stock Outs = Total number of occurrences / unique times material has hit zero stock
. N days no stock = Total days material has had no stock (In days)

Two cards as shown in sample with total stock outs and total days with missing materials. (All items)

See new example attached



SAM Material and Production lead times Power BI Tool.pbix (670.0 KB)

This is how I would setup your model.

You already had the right relationships, just structure it slightly different in the actual model so it’s really clear what all the filters are doing.

Now remember if you have this model you should be using filters from your Lookup tables not your fact table like you have done below

Then I realized the relationships aren’t even correct, see below

I presume this is meant to be posting date

Now I can’t start building this up.


From here I guess you maybe do need a cumulative total BUT you need it for each Material. This actually works as you originally did it. There’s is though some optimization that can be done.

Cumualative Total - Materials = 
IF( ISBLANK( [Total Quantity] ), BLANK(),
CALCULATE( [Total Quantity],
    FILTER( ALLSELECTED( Dates[Date] ),
        Dates[Date] <= MAX( Dates[Date] ) ) ) )

Post this…I’m still working on the ultimate solution on this. There might be a bit more to it than originally thought. Will be back once I have something more.


Took me a little while to work this out and audit it but I believe I have the right answer now.

Calculated the cumulative total first,

Cumualative Total - Materials = 
CALCULATE( [Total Quantity],
    FILTER( ALLSELECTED( Dates[Date] ),
        Dates[Date] <= MAX( Dates[Date] ) ) )

Made sure I could see all the zero days, just to make sure I got it right.

Then used this formula to work out the amount of days.

Days Out Of Stock = 
            CROSSJOIN( VALUES( Dates[Date] ), VALUES( 'Material Description'[Material description] ) ),
            "Inventory Levels", [Cumualative Total - Materials] ),
                [Inventory Levels] = 0 && NOT( ISBLANK( [Inventory Levels] ) ) ) )

There’s a bit to it, but it’s just recreating the virtual table with those cumulative totals and then counting up the rows with zeros.

I’ve attached for your review.

SAM Material and Production.pbix (671.0 KB)



Thanks looks great for totals days no stock appreciate your work on this and im learning all the time. However i still have a couple of issues.

How do i get the total number of occurrences the product has stocked out? In this materials example its hit zero once, so the card value should show 1, in other materials its hit many times but it has to be unique occurrences its touched zero stock. Measure name = N of stock outs

Is it possible to amend the formula that if it doesn’t ever stock out rather than say (Blank) in the card Total days no stock or any other card it should say 0 ?

In your dates table is there a way to have the max date to always equal the date it is today so my graphs do not go all way to 2020 like this one giving a false reading? this is because my dates table is set to 31/12/2020, or can you adjust the measure to only go to todays date? i thought thats what the MAX function does or is that MAX of the dates table?

I have set up the new sample PBIX for how i want my visualization to look.

SAM Material and Production lead times Power BI Tool.pbix (666.0 KB)



Doesn’t seem like you pbix file is setup as per your image.

Regarding setting the max date in your reports. See below for how to sort this.

The idea is you should not be using this column anymore as you have the date table column to use


This should always be the date column.

Is you want to return a value other than blank, then some simple logic in your formula can get you there.

IF( ISBLANK( measure ), 0, measure )

Regarding number of stock outs see my solution below.

First calculate this…

Cumulative Value - Materials = 
CALCULATE( [Total Quantity],
    FILTER( ALLSELECTED( 'SAP Stock Movements (MB51 Union)'[Posting Date] ),
        'SAP Stock Movements (MB51 Union)'[Posting Date] <= MAX( 'SAP Stock Movements (MB51 Union)'[Posting Date] ) ) )

Then make a slight adjustment to my previous solution as per below

N Stock Outs = 
            CROSSJOIN( VALUES( 'SAP Stock Movements (MB51 Union)'[Posting Date] ), VALUES( 'Material Description'[Material description] ) ),
            "Inventory Levels", [Cumulative Value - Materials] ),
                [Inventory Levels] = 0 && NOT( ISBLANK( [Inventory Levels] ) ) ) )

See answer below


Super stuff many thanks for your help.


I Have come across an issue with the number of stock outs on my main dash board i want to display a visual that shows the top 5 stock out items this is easy enough using the visual filters.

However the model has to perform this on 6 million lines of data from MB51 and takes forever and i just get the spinning wheel like its calculating. is there any way to change the formula for the visual so it calculates faster via Top N in Dax?

Your way above works perfectly for single items ( I use this fine on the product drill down page) but not when searching multiple products anything over and putting it in a Top N graph on the main dashboard.

Unfortunately i cant share the model as its 150 mb but i can show you screen shots.

BTW your formula above does work when i filter the data via slicers to only search low numbers of products.

1st screen shot (Capture) shows the individual drill down page per material your DAX for N Stock out and days out of stock work perfectly

2nd Screen shot is the main inventory dash board and in top right. I want it when all filters are off to show the top 5 number of stock out items. this screen shot shows it works when you filter a low number of results as shown here. It works upto around 2000 products then struggles.

3rd Screen shot is when all filters are removed there are 29000 products (God bless Aerospace) in our stores and the calculation just spins and spins and cant return a result for that volume of lines i presume! 6 million lines in the MB51 data set



Hello [Krays23], I am trying to solve the same issue. Can you please share measures for N Stock Outs and Days Out Of Stock?

or if you can share the file it would be really helpful.


Sam made a video on this on the EDNA site I cant find the link just now but its al there somewhere

the video is in the message above (message 8/13) if that’s video that you are looking for