Count of working days between rest days (RRR) and displaying expected rested days 1 (Helping))

@Iwona , I’m new to the forum and I couldn’t find the button to reply to you. But see if this PBIX helps you.
your topic: here

051023_forum.pbix (21.5 KB)

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Hi @VilmarSchi

the reply button is at the bottom of the message. Please see screen print below.

I hope this helps.

Thanks for the answer.
But some topics do not appear. Do I have to enable something?


nope…you might want to send a message to customer support and ask the question to them.
Customer Support


Hi all,

@Keith I would like to mark this first post as a solution and there is no option visible for me right now. What can I do to appreciate @VilmarSchi’s solution?


I don’t think there is this option, but I’m glad it worked👍. I’ll close this topic and you close yours.

sorry i’m not sure what you can do. Only enterrpisedna can do something with that