Hi @Matthias
Could you please attach the Pbi file with your solution ?
The first code is something completely new for me so I am stuck at this point.
How can I learn about it ? I sm trying to google it but no success.
Many thanks,
Hi @Matthias
Could you please attach the Pbi file with your solution ?
The first code is something completely new for me so I am stuck at this point.
How can I learn about it ? I sm trying to google it but no success.
Many thanks,
Hi @Iwona,
Here’s the post that covers this Gouped Running total custom function @Matthias incorporated, you might want to explore it.
For a deeper understanding I recommend taking the Fundametals course in the learning portal.
Hi @Iwona
ah, I am sorry, I should have explained about the first code.
That is a custom function. Building it, is indeed something for advanced users.
=> But using it, is something any beginner can do as well. Think of it as just an additional function.
You do not know how to BUILD any of the standard functions in Power Query, but you can use them.
Let’s see if this would help: Duplicate any query, go to the Advanced Editor replace the complete code with the first code. Press OK, and then rename the query fxRunningTotal. I am sure you can do this.
Now, let me also address the second code. The #“Running Month” step is probably the hardest to understand for you. Again, treat it as a ready made function. But you should know what happens there: In this step the custom function is applied and the results of the custom function are integrated at the end of the existing table in a new column “Running Month”. Hope that helps you to understand and to overcome your resistance. Here too just copying the code into the Advanced Editor should do the trick. If you fear to destroy something, just copy the file and try it out then.
The rest of the code is more standard, but if you have any questions on any of the other steps please let me know!
I am in process of applying your solution and would like to ask you about: **
Do not just slice by month name.
Why can’t I slice by month name? What should I use as a time dimension in the slicer?
Many thanks Iwona
@Iwona, there are multiple years.
=> if you only slice by month name you get the results for a month from multiple years.
That is a reporting topic, not a Power Query topic.
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