Count all products

I have created this report:

The DAX measure calculation “Varenr” is:

AD_Antall avvik varer(distinct-vare) = CALCULATE(DISTINCTCOUNT(AvvikDetaljer[ID.1]);USERELATIONSHIP(Vareregister[ID.1];AvvikDetaljer[VarenrId]))

As you see in the report, it is possible to Select on “Year” (År).

I like to add an additional column on the right side of “TOTAL” With the total sum for all years (ignoring the filter on Year). Then they can compare this the total of the actual year vs totals for all years.

Any idea how this can be solved.


Hard to go on just this table, a formula such as CALCULATE([YOURMEASURE]; ALL(DateTable), should do it. It removes all filters on the date table and will show the amount for all years.
Did you create a date table?


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Yes at date table is created and in use.

ok, so is the formula working?


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Yes, the formula works well, thank you! :slight_smile: