Configure connection

Apologies if the wording is wrong.
I am editing a data flow in Power BI Service. I am trying to change the connection fron SQL Server dev to SQL Server UAT.

So I open the item I want to edit in the dataflow. I use advanced editor and chang the source from


When I click ok - there is a yellow area that says “please specify how to connect” and a grey box configure connection.

In the pop up credentials box
On-Premise data gateway (none)
and its basic or Microsoft authentication - neither of which work.

In the power BI service I can manage gateway clusters abd see there is one for the SQL box I want.

What is going on? How do I connect?

A very puzzled person

Hi @ells

Check if the database is added to Gateway or not ?

If not added

Step 1 - Add the data source to Power BI Gateway
Add SQLU01 Database to Gateway

Step 2 - In the pop up credentials box
On-Premise data gateway (select Gateway)

Hope this helps

Really weird soultion I found.
The instance and Datbase are already added.

Add a new entity to the dataflow. Get data -> SQL Server and then just add a table from the database.

Then for some reason all of the other entities will connect to the instance in the right way.

It just seems that the dataflow needs to have the connection defined within one entity in the dataflow.
