Conditional Formatting on specific column in Calculation Item

Hi All,

I have my PBIX file uploaded and my question is regarding the new Calculation Group that has been recently added. I have the following questions:

  1. Is there a way to arrange the calculation items in any sequence or once it is done, you cannot change the order. I can change the sequence up and down in the model view but not in the matrix in the report view.
  2. Secondly most important is how do i apply conditional formatting e.g icons for specific columns like MTD YoY% and YTD YoY%.
  3. I don’t see my MTD column showing the totals like MTD SPYA column. Is my calculated items correct.

BI IMS.pbix (9.0 MB)

Thank you,

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  1. To organize calculation items, use the Tabular Editor to sort them, then save your changes. In table view mode, click Sort by column to apply the sort order.

  1. Alternatively, you can use the Windows key + period shortcut to open the Symbol dialog box. From there, you can select the icon you want to insert.

1Sem título

Organized column and icon included

Thank you Vilmar, I was finding a solution withing the new Semantic model if we could do the conditional formatting. Looks like there is no other way than to go about using the Tabular Editor.
Thank you for your solution anyway…
