Conditional Formatting for columns based on Actual / Budget

CF_example.pbix (43.9 KB)

Hello everyone,

I am trying to invoke some conditional formatting whereby the actuals are highlighted in one colour and budget to go in another.

Attached is an example data set. If I have Jan-Apr as actuals and May-Dec as budget.

How can I highlight the actual columns (Jan-Apr) in one colour and the budget column (May-Dec) in another colour?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Hi @nikeshvalji,

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Enterprise DNA Support Team


attached two screenshot where the conditional formating is applied according to the created measure
you can extend the formatting for the attribute as well but this seems overacting the visual

kind regards



Thanks @Roger - appreciate the help! I will try this out.



attached the pbix file with the measure you can use in your visual.
Added a calendar table and linked it to your Sales table.

below some link:

the color codes

a very instructive video of Rick if you want to dig deeper
Bing Video’s

the pbix file
Conditional formating example.pbix (86.0 KB)

kind regards


Hello - I tried this solution in my model and it worked - thanks so much for your help! Really appreciate it.


just a side note: Data Mentor and EDNA AI is also available within the EDNA platform that can help you solve your questions.

Hi @nikeshvalji - I have tried one measure and it is working for your sample dataset but this will be hardcoded. Applied this measure on Conditional Formatting.

Measure = if(month(max(f_sales[Month])) < 5,"Green","Red")

CF_example_Sol.pbix (44.7 KB)

Ankit J

Hi @EnterpriseDNA - Why I am getting “Awaiting Approval” on my posts. I replied on this post 2 days back but response is posted today only ?

Ankit J