Compare 2 words character by character

If you ever want to compare 2 words character by character then you can use this:

col =
VAR FirstWord =
    LOWER ( Colors[Colors] )
VAR SecondWord =
    LOWER ( Colors[Column] )
VAR FirstWordNumSeries =
    GENERATESERIES ( 1, LEN ( FirstWord ), 1 )
VAR SecondWordNumSeries =
    GENERATESERIES ( 1, LEN ( SecondWord ), 1 )
VAR FirstWordCharacters =
        ADDCOLUMNS ( FirstWordNumSeries, "FW", MID ( FirstWord, [Value], 1 ) ),
        "@FW", [FW]
VAR SecondWordCharacters =
        ADDCOLUMNS ( SecondWordNumSeries, "SW", MID ( SecondWord, [Value], 1 ) ),
        "@SW", [SW]
VAR Result =
    IF (
        COUNTROWS ( FILTER ( FirstWordCharacters, [@FW] IN SecondWordCharacters ) ) > 0,
        TRUE (),
        FALSE ()


Common words = 
VAR FirstWord = LOWER( Colors[Colors] )
VAR SecondWord = LOWER( Colors[Column] )
VAR FirstWordNumSeries =
    GENERATESERIES ( 1, LEN ( FirstWord ), 1 )
VAR SecondWordNumSeries =
    GENERATESERIES ( 1, LEN ( SecondWord ), 1 )
VAR FirstWordCharacters =
        ADDCOLUMNS ( FirstWordNumSeries, "FW", MID ( FirstWord, [Value], 1 ) ),
        "@FW", [FW]
VAR SecondWordCharacters =
        ADDCOLUMNS ( SecondWordNumSeries, "SW", MID ( SecondWord, [Value], 1 ) ),
        "@SW", [SW]
VAR Result =
    CONCATENATEX( FILTER ( FirstWordCharacters, [@FW] IN SecondWordCharacters  ), [@FW], ", " )
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