all you need to do is make the first row as header, let the Product name (a/b or c) and the months be the header, keeping the first columns as it is, unpivot other columns, once this is done, for each file add a col from example and then re order. Do this for all the separate files and once done you can append them.
You can actually go even further and automate this. I can do this for you tomorrow as it is midnight here so I am off, but the example that i provided should come in handy. I will check back tomorrow, if you still need assistance, I will be more than happy to help you .
Here is a sample file.
Please note, I have set up the files as worksheets within the workbook attached - in reality, each worksheet sits inside different Excel Files.
Here is the background,
The Excel files are saved in a folder.
Each Excel file has more than one worksheet - and these are named consistently.
When loading the data in PQ - I am using combine and transform data, and selecting the worksheet I need.
Please find the .pbix attached. To make this truly dynamic, create a function that will get invoked each and every time you specify the workbook name. In this case it is Product_A, Product_B or Product_C.
Once you do the transformation for one file then create a function as it will ensure that all those transformations take place for other files.
A few things to remember, since the column header will change, it is my recommendation to either use a empty table header as the schema (just like what you would use during Azure Data Factory dataflows or pipelines). Or if you are unable to have a schema then use generic column header names such as column1 etc.
I have incorporated one such approach using functions in the .pbix. My approach was two pronged, first using the data file, i separated Product name and the respective dates. Second half was focused on the getting the account details and values. to perform the join I used the column1 etc. (attributes) though it would be ideal if you could have an index associated with it. (Numeric index performs faster and are less prone to mistakes, in my opinion)
Once I was able to get all this, invoked the function for Product_B and it worked like charm. If you come across any errors such as could not find column x in the table, that means you will need to tweak the query transformations as per the table schema.
I hope this will help you and have a look at the EDNA resource about the PQ transformations.
The Data folder has 3 files, Product_A, Product_B and Product_C. These files have a worksheet each named Product
Here are the steps,
Data tab - Get Data > From Files > Folder
Select folder path (where the files are saved) - click OK
Select Combine and Transform Data
In the ‘Combine Files’ dialogue box, Sample File = First file, Select Product worksheet and click OK
When the PQ Editor opens go to ‘Transform Sample File’ query in the Queries pane. This is where I’ve done the transformations.
Extract from Advanced Query Editor before transformations,
Source = Excel.Workbook(Parameter1, null, true),
Product_Sheet = Source{[Item=“Product”,Kind=“Sheet”]}[Data]
Promote Headers - use 1st row as headers
If the ‘Changed Type’ step is added by default - delete this
Select the 1st column and ‘Unpivot Other Columns’
The unpivot step will save the name of the 1st column in the query,
= Table.UnpivotOtherColumns(#“Promoted Headers”, {“Product A”}, “Attribute”, “Value”)
Replace the above with,
= Table.UnpivotOtherColumns(#“Promoted Headers”, {List.First (Table.ColumnNames (#“Promoted Headers”))}, “Attribute”, “Value”)
Rename the first column - AccountName
The rename step will save the name of the 1st column in the query,
= Table.RenameColumns(#“Unpivoted Other Columns”,{{“Product A”, “AccountName”}})
Replace the above formula to make this dynamic, i.e. rename the 1st column of the table to AccountName,
= Table.RenameColumns(#“Unpivoted Other Columns”,{{Table.ColumnNames (#“Unpivoted Other Columns”) {0}, “AccountName”}})
Go to the ‘Data’ query (combined query)
Select the 1st column - go to Transform > Extract > Text Before Delimiter, type in .xls
This gives me the product name
Rename 1st column to Product, 3rd column to Month
Change type
I am glad that worked out for you. There are many ways to work out same problem in PQ. The steps that you followed here can also be done in PQ of Power BI as they are the same. You can perform the same ETL there. See the first file attached. It has the similar if not exactly same steps.