Struggling with getting a measure to work (I have not included the model as the client had me sign a NDA - Hopefully the model wont be needed but I guess i could build a simple model if required)
In the source table there are 2 value columns - Budget and Actual by week number (not a calendar week format)
Report includes a slicer where the week is selected.
I need to show a graph where, depending on the week selected, it either gives the budget or Actual (anything greater than the week selected would equal budget and anything less than or equal to week selected would equal actual)
Apologies again. I got this working with the If function - User error my side
However the client has informed me that they want the data to show a solid line for the “actual” (which is up to the week selected only) and a dotted line for all weeks after the week selected only number and a dotted line for the budget