Column being labeled "Identity Field"

I feel like there should be an easy solution to this problem, but I cannot find it!

After upgrading the data model, one of the columns that I use a lot has now been labeled as an “Identity Field”. Which seems to just mean that the values in those columns will not aggregated together, but treated as separate entities, which is the complete opposite of what I need.

Which results in:

I looked everywhere and I dont see a place where I can set or change that value.

Seems like there should be a way to set that value?



I’ve never seen that before. Have you tried opening it in Tabular Editor and seeing if you can change the properties directly there, and then save that back to the data model?

  • Brian

@Nick_M Unselect that column as row label, save the file and open again.

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Perfect! Thank you so much, that was driving me insane.