Colour Palette not importing into power bi

ok just loved the video on the colour palette

So I have created my own, but struggle to import into power bi?

This is my notepad notes saved as a .json


"name: "Flexco"",

"dataColors": ["#118877", "#447777", "#99CCCC", "#DDFFFF", "#2D3047"]

"background" : ""#FFFFFF",

"foreground" : "#1b7eac",

"tableAccent": "#5cbae5"

You have several quotation mark errors. They are not in the correct place.


Yep thanks for looking at this one.

All I would say also on this, if the colour palatte is not loading, there is always something wrong inside the notepad. It has to be exact.

I sometimes just start again if you can’t locate the error.

It just has to be exact, it’s a simple as that.