Circular Dependency Measures

Hello everyone,
Thanks in advance for any suggestion that you can provide me.

I’m working in a new project to get stock balance, I need to calculated weekly closing stock with the following logic:

Week 1 Closing stock (week 0) - Sales + Transfers = Closing Stock (week 1)
Week 2 Closing stock (week 1) - Sales + Transfers = Closing Stock (week 2)

I have calculated individual measures for Sales and Transfers, but when I trying to created the logic for closing stock, I getting the error for circular dependency (because my next week is based the previous week). I still confused to understand what I need to do to sort out this issue.

Thanks a lot for any help



@ctobon Share sample Power BI file.

Hi @ctobon,

For our experts and other members to be able to help solve your query, it would be advisable to provide them with a sample PBI file. Kindly provide such to get the solution that you need.


Hi @ctobon, due to inactivity, we’ll be marking this post as solved.

Should you wish to reopen this thread, kindly provide the PBIX file the experts requested above so other users can help you further.