ChatGPT Workout 2 - Enhancing Data Analytics with AI Assistance


AI-driven chatbots like ChatGPT are finding their place in the world of data analytics. Their ability to understand and generate human-like text allows for dynamic interactions, offering insights and aiding in data-related tasks. This workout delves into the practical applications of ChatGPT in data analytics.


You’re a data analyst at a fast-growing tech startup. With the increasing volume of data, you’re exploring ways to quickly derive insights and answer data-related queries. You stumble upon ChatGPT as a potential solution. How might you harness its capabilities in your analytics workflow?


By the end of this workout, you should be able to:

  1. Understand how ChatGPT can be integrated into the data analytics process.

  2. Identify use-cases where ChatGPT can assist in data exploration and insight generation.

  3. Recognize situations where human judgment is essential, even with AI assistance.

Interactive Task:

Given your intermediate understanding of ChatGPT in data analytics, answer the following:

  1. How might ChatGPT streamline the data querying process for quick insights?

    • Your Explanation: ________________________
  2. Imagine you’re tasked with understanding customer sentiment from reviews. How could ChatGPT assist in this sentiment analysis task?

    • Your Approach: ________________________
  3. While ChatGPT can provide quick answers, why might it still be essential to cross-check its outputs, especially in critical business decisions?

    • Your Answer: ________________________


  1. What is a potential benefit of using ChatGPT in data analytics?

    • i) Eliminating the need for any other data tools.

    • ii) Providing real-time, natural language interactions for querying datasets.

    • iii) Guaranteeing 100% accuracy in all data insights.

    • iv) Storing vast amounts of data internally.

  2. When relying on ChatGPT for data insights, what might be a key consideration to keep in mind?

    • i) ChatGPT can understand all languages equally.

    • ii) The outputs are based on trained models and might still require human validation.

    • iii) ChatGPT can create new data on demand.

    • iv) It prefers certain data types over others.

Duration: 20 minutes

Difficulty: Intermediate

This workout is released on Tuesday, October 10, 2023, and will end on Friday, October 20, 2023. But you can always come back to any of the workouts and solve them.

Hi @EnterpriseDNA,

Here is the solution to this workout:


  1. What is a potential benefit of using ChatGPT in data analytics?
  • ii) Providing real-time, natural language interactions for querying datasets.
  1. When relying on ChatGPT for data insights, what might be a key consideration to keep in mind?
  • ii) The outputs are based on trained models and might still require human validation.

Interactive Task:

  1. How might ChatGPT streamline the data querying process for quick insights?
  1. Natural Language Interaction: ChatGPT allows users to interact with their data using plain, natural language. This simplifies the process, making it accessible to individuals who may not be familiar with complex data query languages or tools.
  2. Rapid Queries: Users can quickly ask questions or request information in real-time, which is especially helpful when you need quick insights or have time-sensitive queries.
  3. Contextual Understanding: ChatGPT can understand context and maintain the conversation, allowing users to build on previous queries, which is useful for iterative data exploration.
  4. Accessibility: ChatGPT can be accessed through various platforms, including web interfaces, chatbots, or integrations into data analytics tools, making it convenient to use.
  5. Assistance with Formulating Queries: ChatGPT can assist users in formulating precise queries by suggesting improvements or alternatives, which can lead to more accurate insights.
  6. Quick Summaries: ChatGPT can provide concise summaries of complex data, enabling users to get a quick overview of the information they need without delving into the details.
  7. Automated Reporting: Users can instruct ChatGPT to generate reports or dashboards based on specific data insights, automating the reporting process and saving time.
  8. Continuous Learning: ChatGPT can be trained on specific datasets, allowing it to understand the unique context and data structures of an organization, further enhancing its ability to provide quick insights.

Overall, ChatGPT simplifies and accelerates the data querying process by providing a user-friendly, conversational interface for interacting with data and retrieving rapid insights.

  1. Imagine you’re tasked with understanding customer sentiment from reviews. How could ChatGPT assist in this sentiment analysis task?
  • Your Approach:
  1. Data Extraction: ChatGPT can help extract key information from customer reviews, such as identifying mentions of product names, features, or specific issues that customers are discussing.
  2. Sentiment Classification: It can perform sentiment analysis by determining whether the sentiment expressed in a review is positive, negative, or neutral. It can also provide sentiment scores, helping you quantify the sentiment intensity.
  3. Summarization: ChatGPT can generate concise summaries of customer reviews, making it easier to grasp the overall sentiment and common themes without reading each review individually.
  4. Trend Analysis: ChatGPT can identify trends and patterns in customer sentiment by analyzing a large volume of reviews over time, helping businesses understand how sentiments change with product updates or marketing campaigns.
  5. Sentiment by Feature: It can analyze customer sentiment for specific product features or attributes, allowing you to identify areas that may need improvement or areas that customers appreciate the most.
  6. Comparisons: ChatGPT can assist in comparing the sentiment between different products or brands, helping businesses understand how they stack up against competitors.
  7. Customer Query Handling: When customers ask questions or express concerns in reviews, ChatGPT can provide real-time responses or suggest appropriate actions to address their issues, improving customer satisfaction.
  8. Dashboard Creation: ChatGPT can generate sentiment analysis reports and dashboards, allowing businesses to visualize and monitor customer sentiment data easily.
  9. Language Support: ChatGPT can handle reviews in multiple languages, making it versatile for businesses with a global customer base.
  10. Integration: ChatGPT can be integrated into existing systems or tools used for sentiment analysis, making it a valuable component of an automated sentiment analysis pipeline.

Overall, ChatGPT’s natural language processing capabilities can enhance the efficiency and accuracy of customer sentiment analysis, providing valuable insights for businesses looking to improve their products and customer experiences.

  1. While ChatGPT can provide quick answers, why might it still be essential to cross-check its outputs, especially in critical business decisions?
  • Your Answer:
  1. Potential Errors: ChatGPT generates responses based on patterns in the data it was trained on. It may occasionally produce incorrect or misleading information, especially when dealing with complex or specialized topics.
  2. Lack of Context: ChatGPT may not fully understand the specific context and nuances of a business or industry, leading to responses that may be relevant in a general sense but not in the specific context of the decision being made.
  3. Ethical Considerations: ChatGPT may generate responses that unintentionally contain biased or inappropriate content, which could harm a company’s reputation or lead to ethical issues if not detected and corrected.
  4. Incomplete Information: ChatGPT may not have access to the most up-to-date or complete information, and its responses may not reflect the current state of the business or industry.
  5. Legal Compliance: In some industries, certain decisions must adhere to strict regulatory or legal guidelines. ChatGPT may not be aware of these regulations, and blindly following its advice could lead to non-compliance.
  6. Business Expertise: In critical decisions, it’s often necessary to involve subject matter experts who possess in-depth knowledge and experience related to the specific issue. ChatGPT lacks this domain expertise.
  7. Risk Management: In high-stakes decisions, the potential risks and consequences need to be carefully evaluated. Relying solely on ChatGPT without human oversight could lead to unforeseen risks.
  8. Accountability: Ultimately, businesses and their decision-makers are accountable for the outcomes of their choices. Relying solely on an AI model for critical decisions without human judgment can raise questions about responsibility.
  9. Adaptation to Unforeseen Situations: In dynamic business environments, decisions often need to adapt to unexpected circumstances. ChatGPT may not have the flexibility to handle such scenarios.
  10. Company-Specific Knowledge: Each business has its unique culture, history, and processes. ChatGPT does not have access to internal proprietary information or deep knowledge about these aspects, which are often critical in decision-making.

In summary, while ChatGPT can be a valuable tool for generating insights and assisting in decision-making, it should be viewed as a resource rather than a definitive authority. Critical business decisions should involve human expertise, critical thinking, and thorough evaluation to ensure the best possible outcomes.

Thanks for the workout.

Exploring how it integrates into the analytics process and identifies use-cases could be a game-changer. Always on the lookout for the best AI for business applications, and this seems like a step in the right direction!