ChatGPT API Questions

I am not sure if this is the correct place to comment but I have run into issues following along with this course on lesson “Basic Azure Function Creation”. Every time I try to execute the function in visual studio I get the error: “Failed to connect. Make sure your project is running locally.”
I have node.js installed, I believe I have the latest Azure functions core tools. I think the issue has to do with not recognizing Azure functions because right after I “Finish creating Project” in the window for “init .py” it is underlining azure.functions.
What is the best way to move past this?

Tagging @henry.habib

Thank you!

In case anyone else has the same issue, I found a work around. After hours or searching, I was unable to figure out how to test locally in visual studio, however I was able to skip around the testing and deploy straight to Azure.
A detailed explanation can be found in visual studio if you go to the Azure functions extension “Details” section and follow all the steps but skip “Run the serverless app locally”.