Charticulator Dumbbell Chart

Currently running through @MudassirAli excellent Advanced Visualization Techniques #2 of 2 course and I’m using the Charticulator App, working through the Dumbbel Chart.

I’ve recreated the Dumbbell Chart, proud moment for a Sunday morning :rofl: However, as Mudassir saves down his visual he gets a screen as per below to stop the Axis updating automatically so you don’t lose the X Axis starting at -15. As the Charticulator App is slightly different to the web version I can’t seem to locate the below Axis and Scales options to uncheck them so when I go to my app I lose the Axis change on my X Axis. Any ideas folks?

Dumbbell Chart | Enterprise DNA



Dumbbell Chart.pbix (2.9 MB)

@DavieJoe ,
Look under the X Axis: Numerical, and then change the # from 0 to -15, and that will fix your issue.

Here is what table will look like after:

Dumbbell Chart.pbix (2.9 MB)


I was adding the -15 and when I saved it down it was resetting. Weird. Thanks for coming back to me so quick.


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Sometimes it is a bit glitchy, but I also usually uncheck the auto range for the axis that I’m trying to change the range, and then it saves properly.


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