Change result table within Qtr filter

I have a filter for Qtr (A months filter has been ruled out for the report :frowning: )

image image

Is there a way of dynamically setting which months appear in this particular visual so that the totals don’t include months in future? I know I can manually set the visual level filters but that isn’t very user friendly when moving between time periods based on the year and qtr filter combinations

I probably still recommend using the visual level filters here but just in a more dynamic way.

The exact technique to use is detailed below

Give this a go and see if it works for your case.

Thanks. That should do the trick :grinning:

I thought that was going to work but I have an scenario where the logic relating to today doesn’t help
How can I set the date to something other than today? eg the max month end date of the quarter that is not in the future? or an entered date parameter?

Can you use logic similar to what was discussed here

You just need to work into your calculated column the logic that gets you that date.

You could also use DATE to set the last day of the month maybe.

DATE( Year(), Month(), Day() )…you just place the inputs in here dynamically around what you need.
