Here’s @Kirti entry for Power BI Challenge 4. @Kirti, would you like to share how you built this dashboard and what your inspiration is in building it?
Well done on the submission. I think the simple colour palette you have used really makes this stand out.
Also with the navigation inside it’s easy I feel for the consumer to get to the more specific insights that they might want to dive into.
If I was to have any improvement recommendations it would be maybe to define your grades within your report a little bit better. Maybe you could do that With different background shades or lines just highlighting the different information and different grids in each page.
Don’t be afraid to be bolder with your key metrics like the cards at the top of your report page. I think these could definitely be larger to make them stand out more and not attracted all from the other specialisations that you have.
I can see you’ve embedded a few quality analysis techniques here with DAX, so well done.
Congrats on your work here. I hope you’re gaining a lot by participating in the challenges.
Thanks for all your valuable feedback.
I will take the note of all recommendations and try to improve in that area.
I am really enjoying these challenges and participating here is feel like all are working in team and encouraging each other for good work.