Hello Forum,
Thank you to the community and @EnterpriseDNA or running such an exciting initiative which tries to bring the best of our analytical skills.
This is my second challenge and the second report I have built in my career. I have always been into Sales and Account Management before I decided to change my career path towards Data and Emerging Technologies. I am still learning PBI and the wonders this product can perform.
Since it was 5th year anniversary for Power BI, I tried creating the theme around the same colors. I also tried SVG’s something which I learnt seeing a youtube video.
The focus on my submission was divided into 3 parts:
Delivery Insights:
The focus in this section was on the deliveries of products, the delivery timelines as this was a prominent question which the management of the company was expecting.
There were few questions which I asked myself before designing this page.
- How much time was being spent at the store
- Products from which warehouse resulted in maximum time spent at the store?
- Was the driver scanning labels manually or by the app?
- How long did he take to scan manually/by the app?
- Was there a difference in deliveries before noon/afternoon?
Order Insights:
The focus of this section was the perfect products which were being shipped from the warehouse.
Though the app was being evaluated by the company management, it was also important to showcase the quality of labels which were being attached to the product. (My assumption here was that the labels were being manufactured by the company and not the consultancy).
I also, tried to rank the no returns where rankings were given
- Perfect products: Not returned and No damage on product or label.
- Damaged Products: Not returned even though product was damaged.
- Damaged Labels: Not returned and the label was damaged
- Damaged Product and Labels: Not returned even though both product and label were damaged.
I added up the rank to understand which warehouse and stores were doing creating good orders with no returns.
Return Insights:
The focus of this section was on the returns of products. I again ranked the warehouses and stores based on returns like the same I did for Order Insights.
Key questions which I asked myself before designing this page.
- Why are the products being returned?
- Which stores, and warehouse are responsible for the return of products?
Lastly I tried using SVG’s , something which I learnt just 2 days before the launch of the challenge seeing a youtube video. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hxzeA6PDU4Y)
SVG stands for Scalar Vector Graphics.
If you take some images and enlarge them they get pixelated, this is not the case with SVG’s as an SVG image is made up of lines and shapes defined by points, sizes and colours.
An SVG code will look like this
Bee SVG = "<path d=' M 86.86 34.34 C 86.3335 32.8149 85.1905 31.5812 83.71 30.94 C 78.25 28.41 66.71 31.66 59.91 33.94 C 61.3298 32.0195 62.4369 29.8865 63.19 27.62 C 64.66 23.2 67.19 22.99 67.29 22.99 C 68.3946 22.99 69.29 22.0946 69.29 20.99 C 69.29 19.8854 68.3946 18.99 67.29 18.99 C 67.07 18.99 61.82 19.07 59.39 26.36 C 58.8049 28.0998 57.9731 29.7466 56.92 31.25 C 56.5819 30.2062 55.9871 29.264 55.19 28.51 C 55.8636 27.8444 56.2571 26.9464 56.29 26 C 56.29 24.34 54.98 22.87 52.99 22 L 55.63 16.71 C 56.1144 16.038 55.9624 15.1005 55.2904 14.616 C 54.6184 14.1316 53.6809 14.2837 53.1964 14.9557 C 53.1136 15.0705 53.0475 15.1966 53 15.33 L 50.1 21.13 C 48.933 20.957 47.747 20.957 46.58 21.13 L 43.68 15.33 C 43.2733 14.6083 42.3586 14.3528 41.6368 14.7595 C 40.9651 15.138 40.6897 15.9641 41 16.67 L 43.59 22 C 41.59 22.91 40.29 24.38 40.29 26 C 40.3293 27.0802 40.8233 28.0936 41.65 28.79 C 41.0961 29.3721 40.6523 30.0497 40.34 30.79 C 39.4327 29.4173 38.7098 27.9312 38.19 26.37 C 35.76 19.08 30.51 19 30.29 19 C 29.1854 19 28.29 19.8954 28.29 21 C 28.29 22.1046 29.1854 23 30.29 23 C 30.4 23 32.98 23.21 34.45 27.63 C 35.2468 30.0753 36.4466 32.3703 38 34.42 C 31.57 32.14 18.7 28.23 12.85 30.94 C 11.3695 31.5812 10.2265 32.8149 9.7 34.34 C 8.05 39.29 10.57 46.18 15.55 50.34 C 18.6584 52.9886 22.6163 54.4298 26.7 54.4 C 29.9165 54.3531 33.0865 53.6237 36 52.26 C 36 52.59 35.94 52.91 35.92 53.26 L 35.92 53.26 C 35.92 53.96 35.86 54.67 35.86 55.38 C 35.86 55.92 35.86 56.47 35.94 57.01 L 30.46 57.01 L 23.37 64.1 C 22.5946 64.8801 22.5946 66.1399 23.37 66.92 C 23.7458 67.298 24.257 67.5104 24.79 67.51 C 25.3196 67.5078 25.8267 67.2956 26.2 66.92 L 32.12 61 L 36.56 61 C 36.63 61.34 36.69 61.62 36.69 61.65 C 36.81 62.14 36.94 62.65 37.08 63.13 L 37.17 63.44 C 37.29 63.87 37.43 64.3 37.58 64.73 C 36.1469 68.9309 33.5409 72.6335 30.07 75.4 C 29.1863 76.0627 29.0073 77.3163 29.67 78.2 C 30.3327 79.0837 31.5863 79.2627 32.47 78.6 C 35.4894 76.267 37.9436 73.2829 39.65 69.87 C 40.1 70.87 40.58 71.78 41.06 72.66 L 41.06 72.66 C 41.26 73.02 41.46 73.3533 41.66 73.66 L 41.77 73.85 C 41.93 74.13 42.1 74.41 42.27 74.69 L 42.42 74.93 L 42.9 75.69 L 43.05 75.92 L 43.64 76.81 L 43.85 77.1 L 44.22 77.63 L 44.51 78.02 L 44.79 78.39 L 45.09 78.78 L 45.34 79.09 L 45.63 79.45 L 45.87 79.73 L 46.15 80.04 C 46.24 80.15 46.34 80.25 46.43 80.35 C 46.52 80.45 46.66 80.6 46.78 80.71 L 47.06 80.99 L 47.23 81.14 L 47.48 81.36 L 47.63 81.48 L 47.87 81.64 L 47.99 81.72 L 48.21 81.84 L 48.29 81.84 C 48.3729 81.8523 48.4571 81.8523 48.54 81.84 L 48.54 81.84 C 48.6098 81.8474 48.6802 81.8474 48.75 81.84 L 48.87 81.78 C 48.9265 81.756 48.9802 81.7258 49.03 81.69 L 49.21 81.58 L 49.36 81.47 L 49.59 81.29 C 49.6241 81.2509 49.6609 81.2141 49.7 81.18 C 50.2707 80.6671 50.8022 80.1122 51.29 79.52 L 51.29 79.52 L 51.72 79 L 51.81 78.88 L 52.24 78.33 L 52.36 78.17 L 52.79 77.59 L 52.9 77.43 L 53.58 76.43 L 54 76 L 54.21 75.66 C 54.35 75.4467 54.49 75.2267 54.63 75 L 54.81 74.72 L 55.31 73.89 L 55.4 73.73 C 56.09 72.55 56.76 71.28 57.4 69.95 C 59.1019 73.3233 61.5383 76.2723 64.53 78.58 C 65.4137 79.2427 66.6673 79.0637 67.33 78.18 C 67.9927 77.2963 67.8137 76.0427 66.93 75.38 C 63.4987 72.6513 60.9148 69.0026 59.48 64.86 C 59.907 63.5947 60.2609 62.3059 60.54 61 L 64.86 61 L 70.78 66.91 C 71.1534 67.2856 71.6604 67.4978 72.19 67.5 C 72.723 67.5004 73.2342 67.288 73.61 66.91 C 74.3854 66.1299 74.3854 64.8701 73.61 64.09 L 66.52 57 L 61.13 57 C 61.13 56.46 61.19 55.91 61.19 55.37 C 61.19 54.37 61.19 53.44 61.09 52.5 C 63.8558 53.7311 66.8429 54.3877 69.87 54.43 C 73.9468 54.455 77.8969 53.0141 81 50.37 C 86 46.18 88.51 39.29 86.86 34.34 Z M 37.78 43.52 C 37.61 44 37.46 44.52 37.31 45 C 37.31 45.11 37.24 45.23 37.21 45.35 C 37.07 45.8567 36.94 46.3767 36.82 46.91 C 36.82 47.03 36.82 47.14 36.74 47.26 L 36.74 47.26 L 35.84 47.9 C 26.79 52.72 20.84 49.6 18.13 47.3 C 13.96 43.8 12.51 38.6 13.51 35.59 C 13.6834 35.128 14.048 34.7634 14.51 34.59 C 15.6245 34.1592 16.8164 33.9651 18.01 34.02 C 23.86 34.02 33.52 36.92 39.62 39.32 L 39.21 40.05 L 39.12 40.23 C 38.91 40.66 38.7 41.1 38.51 41.56 L 38.39 41.81 C 38.2033 42.27 38.0233 42.74 37.85 43.22 C 37.85 43.31 37.81 43.41 37.78 43.52 Z M 54.66 70.91 C 52.653 71.3231 50.6091 71.5308 48.56 71.53 C 46.4799 71.5341 44.4052 71.3196 42.37 70.89 C 41.5542 69.3525 40.8264 67.77 40.19 66.15 C 42.8848 67.0683 45.713 67.5346 48.56 67.53 C 51.3835 67.5371 54.1885 67.0741 56.86 66.16 C 56.217 67.7836 55.4825 69.3695 54.66 70.91 Z M 58.94 58.67 C 52.2315 61.148 44.8585 61.148 38.15 58.67 C 37.9875 57.5774 37.904 56.4746 37.9 55.37 C 37.9 54.99 37.9 54.61 37.9 54.24 C 44.6627 57.2869 52.4073 57.2869 59.17 54.24 C 59.17 54.61 59.17 54.98 59.17 55.36 C 59.1727 56.4674 59.0958 57.5736 58.94 58.67 Z M 78.44 47.31 C 75.71 49.61 69.79 52.73 60.73 47.91 L 60.44 47.7 C 59.8707 44.6962 58.8241 41.8029 57.34 39.13 C 65 36.13 77.71 32.57 82.03 34.57 C 82.492 34.7434 82.8566 35.108 83.03 35.57 C 84.07 38.61 82.61 43.81 78.44 47.31 Z'/>"
There is nothing to afraid . Lots of icons available on the web are written in SVG and PowerPoint 0365 version ‘Insert Icons also will give you the SVG code.
Here to colour the bee, the trick was to draw 2 bees using SVG, one grey and one coloured one on top. The coloured one was clipped to the size to show the filled up KPI, i.e in my case %Manual Entries, Perfect Order Rate and Rate of Return.
I create 3 measures for each of these and added it to the clip section i.e colour my bees upto x% only depending on the values the KPI’s provided.
Laura has done a wonderful task in providing details on SVG in her blog series and I would highly recommend you have a look at them.
Link here : https://hatfullofdata.blog/svg-in-power-bi-part-1/
Do let me know your feedbacks. It will help me fast track my career in the Data World.
Harsh Nathani