Can't watch a video until I've watched the previous video

Hello, I haven’t logged onto the EnterpriseDNA platform in a while and I am coming across a seemingly new issue when trying to watch a specific video within a module. It’s telling me that the lecture content is locked because I have a previous lesson that has not been completed. This is very counterproductive and doesn’t allow me to view the content that I NEED right now. Is there a way to bypass this?


I get that message all the time if you have logged into the EnterpriseDNA learning center (courses). Once i logged into the course platform its works.
If you don’t know your password click on “forgot password” within the login screen

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That did not seem to work for me! Still having the issue… Anyone else have suggestions?


Note - it appears that I am only experiencing the issue within the power bi showcases module.


can you log into the learning site where the courses are?

Hello @nickjordan32, were you able to log in the Learning Center now?

Hi @nickjordan32, we’ve noticed that no response has been received from you since the 4th of May. We just want to check if you still need further help with this post? In case there won’t be any activity on it in the next few days, we’ll be tagging this post as Solved.

Hi @nickjordan32, sorry for the inconvenience. It might be a glitch in the system. It should work fine even if you are skipping the lectures.

Please check the link of the showcase you are trying to view: Accounts Receivable Insights | Enterprise DNA

Please tag the post as solved if the problem has been resolved. Thanks

Good day to all, thank you for looking into the issue. I just checked and was able to access the lecture that was not working.

Thank you!

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