Can query refresh be ordered?


Is there a way in power bi to order query refresh. Some of my queries depend on the other queries, which i would want to be refreshed first ?


I believe that you can set the refreshes to a different time on the day to accomplish this.

Query 1 - 8:00 AM
Query 2 - 8:15 AM
Query 3 - 8:30 AM


Thanks Johnson. I think this could be a bit risky considering i wont know how long each query may take. I was wondering if I disable the parallel load then what is the default order of query refresh ??

Locate the Datasets in question in your Workspaces. Click on the 3 dots to the right of the dataset and select Schedule refresh.

The refresh history will show you how long a refresh takes. From there you should be able to schedule your refreshes so all your queries run in time.



Thanks for the tip Guy. I just found some insight on working of query refresh, hidden from the users. As per this and what i have understood of this, i dont have to worry about the ordering of query. because each step is evaluated in isolation.

For example, if i am downloading dataset A in a main query and again referencing it in second query. My dataset A will be fetched separately in second query. This may sound ineffective, because of having to fetch the data twice. But power bi caches the data , and whichever query runs second will get the data from cache. Hope this makes sense. Let me know if you understand differently from this post.

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Totally understand what you just said.

I think I misunderstood the original post. I took it as you have 3 separate PBIX files that were dependent on each other to refresh. Then I believe you would need to schedule the refreshes.

