Calendar Date Filtered to show only "Periods" that exist in Fact table

Date Filter from Fact Table.xlsx (44.2 KB)


I have Fact tables with 1 “Date Field”:

  1. “FY-Period” format of data is YYYY-Period Number: i.e.
    Jan 2021 = 2021-01
    Feb 2021 = 2021-02

I have a DIM table with 2 “Date Fields”

  1. "FY-Period" format of data is YYYY-Period Number:  i.e.
          Jan 2021 = 2021-01
          Feb 2021 = 2021-02
  2. "FYPeriodEnd" format of data is DD-MM-YY

See Relationship diagram
My goal is to have a slicer that shows ONLY FYPERIODEND values for Dates that EXIST in Fact table
the Fact table only has dates for FY 21 and will have FY 22, I prefer not to have make any changes to filtering when new dates are entered for FY 22

Hi @DMercier

Create a measure like below and use that measure in filter pane

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Amazingly simple thank you!