With regard to one of the tutorials in the Forecasting and Budgeting module, I have a simple question. Sam has calculated no. of days using the following formuala:
no of days = calculate( countrows(dates), ALLEXCEPT( ‘dates’, dates[Year]))
This is because for every date in the table, the number of days in a Year in which that particular date falls in ought to be ascertained, so that the budget amount which has been determined on a Yearly basis may be allotted for each day. That makes perfect sense.
My issue is that since my the budget I have is on a monthly basis, I am trying to calculate the number of days in a month using the above-mentioned formula, except replacing [Year] with [Month & Year]. However, for some reason, this is not working for me.
Based on your description above, it seems that a simple COUNTROWS(Dates) measure should work here, taking advantage of the existing filter context, either in a matrix or table:
The only time it works for me is when I have the month/ year filter on. When I only select the present Financial Year from the filter (not the month & Year), the following appears: