Calculating Avg % of Project Hours Per Decile of Project Duration

I have a table that contains the # of labor hours utilized per project, per person, per week. Each project can vary in its duration. I need to calculate the average % of overall project labor hours for each decile of the project duration.

Have I lost you yet? Assume we have a project that lasted 10 months, and the total project labor hours was 1000 hours. That 1000 hours can be spread across the project unevenly, so I need to determine the % of hours that were utilized in the first 10% of the project. Then how many hours in the next 10% of the project. The solution needs to assume that projects can be of any length.

This will be used for planning purposes to create a “labor curve” so I can plan future project “labor burn rates” more accurately. Some projects take more time to ramp up, some take more time to ramp down. I need to blend projects together to determine the average curve of labor burn.

I have attached a PBIX for starters. Thanks in advance for any help this group can provide.

ProjectsTest.pbix (109.4 KB)

Welcome to the Enterprise DNA Forum @Dan-C . We’re happy to have you in the community. To get started, I highly suggest you check these guides that Sam created for us to build a more collaborative environment. How To Use The Enterprise DNA Support Forum

Thank you for the link and guidance. I’m looking forward to the collaboration. I’ve already gotten a lot out of the courses, and I also have a very long road ahead in learning.

I am hoping for a URL to point me in the right direction. I think it can be solved with DAX and I have tried a myriad of solutions without success. I am not expecting a solution, just hoping someone has tackled this before. I am probably overthinking it.


I have solved this by applying a group to derive the “% of project duration”. I had not used groups before so this was a learning opportunity for me. I have updated the PBIX with the solution in case anyone wants to learn from it.

ProjectsTest.pbix (136.2 KB)

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