I have seen the video you are referring to and thats where i disvovered my problem. All of the examples I have seen so far seem to have at least 12 months of data.
Isn’t the whole idea of “year-to-date” measures to account for exactly the problem you describe?
Functions like TOTALYTD and DATESYTD compute the sum of values from the beginning of the year up to the specified end date, and you can specify alternative fiscal year-end dates if you have them.
The problem you’re encountering is because your data do not cover the entire fiscal year yet. Specifically, your data start in March and go up until May, but your fiscal year ends on July 31st. Consequently, the YTD function might not return expected results because it anticipates data through the specified end date.
To address this, ensure your date table is complete and continuous, accounting for not just the available dates but also dates at least through the end of the fiscal year. Use the DATESYTD or TOTALYTD functions with additional logic to handle incomplete periods gracefully: