Hi everyone,
To make it easier to find I’ve placed a few methods to count the number of days between two dates in Power Query, here, in the M Code Showcase category. The first piece of M code generates a table containing two columns, you can use for practice - just paste that into a new blank query.
Source = #table( type table[StartDate=date, EndDate=date],
{ #date(2021, 1, 1), #date(2021, 1, 1)},
{ #date(2021, 1, 1), #date(2021, 1, 2)},
{ #date(2021, 1, 1), #date(2021, 1, 31)},
{ #date(2021, 1, 1), #date(2021, 2, 22)}
} )
You can choose one of following M code examples and paste it in the Custom Column dialog box.
This performs a simple count of days.
Number.From([EndDate] - [StartDate]) + 1,
How does it work ?
The date has an interger equivalent, subtracting the StartDate from the EndDate and adding 1 back gives you the number of days between two dates including the end date.
What if you wanted to exclude days in the weekend? Note that the first parameter in List.Dates requires a date type, if you have a datetime value you can convert it using Date.From([StartDate])
List.Dates( [StartDate], Number.From([EndDate] - [StartDate]) + 1, Duration.From(1)),
each Date.DayOfWeek(_, 1) < 5
How does it work (from the inside out)?
- create a list of dates from the StartDate until the EndDate
- select only those dates, where the DayOfWeek no. <5 (with Day.Monday as first day)
- finally count all remaining elements in the list
And what if you also want to exclude holidays? Note. A query called Holiday Table that contains a Date Column column with holiday dates is required!
List.Dates([StartDate], Number.From([EndDate] - [StartDate]) + 1, Duration.From(1)),
List.Transform(#"Holiday Table"[Date Column], Date.From)
), each Date.DayOfWeek(_, 1) < 5
How does it work (from the inside out)?
- create a list of dates from the StartDate until the EndDate
- remove all dates that are present in #“Holiday Table”[Date Column]
- select only those dates, where the DayOfWeek no. <5 (with Day.Monday as first day)
- finally count all remaining elements in the list
Don’t want to Count days but create a Record for each day instead?
- Just omit the List.Count function, you’ll get a list object
- Use the sideward arrows to “Expand to New Rows”
Has posted about Imke Feldmann’s custom function for NETWORKDAYS, here:
And created a video demonstrating how that works (it also covers a DAX solution).
I hope you’ll find this useful,
If you have any questions, just reach out and let me know!
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