Hi, thanks for your help. I’m based in the UK and over here our pupils are assessed and given grades 1 to 9, where 1 is the lowest grade and 9 is the highest grade. Each pupil is assessed over various subjects and given a 1 to 9 grade. A pass is considered to be a grade 4 or higher, so I have created measure to count up how many grade 4 or higher each pupil has. So far, so good.
My problem is that pupils are also assessed in the grades they get in Maths, English and English Literature (i.e. across three subjects). My customers (i.e. schools) need to be able to identify how many pupils got a grade 4 or above in Maths, plus a grade 4 or higher in English or English Literature.
So to count for this measure they first need to have a grade 4 or higher in maths, and eithe English or Engligh Literature (or both) also need to be grade 4 or higher.
I can’t get my head around the dax for this measure. Any help gratefully received.
Assessment.pbix (2.4 MB)