I would like to see that date but the last date that account id starts with 2, something like:
FILTER (LEFT(TabMov [AccountID],1) =“2”
I never understood the “rules” to write these longer measures. Never which know which is first or last or…you know? Could you please be so kind and besides showing me the measure also let me know the rules for it, or some documentation or video?
Although you should write this as a Measure here’s a video demonstrating the basic pattern.
For your understanding it would be better if you use this to try and work it out yourself.
Beautiful video! Mastering DAX one of my first videos that i saw, i believe, and still no time to see the other unfortunately.
So, my measure now it’s like this (still not working), which i believe that my account ID filter should be in a VAR or outside like this? I’ve tried both, several ways and always an error.
Max Date Clients/Suppliers =
VAR Account= SELECTEDVALUE( ‘Tab Mov’[AccountID] )