Calculate Current and Previous Week

I thought this would be easy even though there are lots of topics on this but my solution is far from perfect.
I want to calculate Previous Week to date, Current Week to date and the Variance between both.
I am sure I got the previous week correctly, following Sam example on this platform.
My query is like so:

`> Previous Week Total =
VAR _NowWeek = SELECTEDVALUE ( Dates[Week Number] )
VAR _NowYear = SELECTEDVALUE ( Dates[Year] )
VAR _MaxWeekNumber = CALCULATE ( MAX ( Dates[Week Number] ), ALL ( Dates ))

FILTER ( ALL ( Dates ),
IF ( _NowWeek = 1,
Dates[Week Number] = _MaxWeekNumber && Dates[Year] = _NowYear - 1,
Dates[Week Number] = _NowWeek - 1 && Dates[Year] = _NowYear )),
[Total Cases]

I am unable to reproduce the same for Current Week(Current Week, in this case, may not typically be this week but across selected time frames)
My file is attached
PreviousNcurrent.pbix (300.3 KB)

Hi @upwardD,

Give this a go an see how you get on with that. You are not leveraging the Extended Date table although I don’t see an obvious reason for that, you might want to look into that…

Currrent Week Total = 
VAR _cWeek = VALUES( Dates[WeekEnding] )

CALCULATE( [Total Cases],
    FILTER( Dates,
        Dates[WeekEnding] IN _cWeek 


Prev week total = 
CALCULATE( [Currrent Week Total],
    DATEADD( Dates[Date], -7, DAY )   

Gives me these results.

I hope this is helpful


Thank you so much.

Ah, your Date Table makes this so simple!

Extended Date Table (Power Query M function) - M Code Showcase - Enterprise DNA Forum

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