Calculate application cost as pct of total cost for all applications

Hi All,

I tried a few DAX measures/ formulas but my results did not work to calculate the annualized cost of an application as a percent of total cost for all applications.


700 applications covering 4 year period. So 2800 rows. For each application per year I need the cost of each application as a percentage of total cost of all 700 applications within given year. Basically a weighted average. Please provide example DAX that I can use

Thank you,

I used ALLSELECTED and it works.

ALLSELECTED Tot Cost = CALCULATE([Total Cost], ALLSELECTED(Cost Fact Table))

App pct of total  cost = [Total Cost] / [ALLSELECTED Tot Cost]


Ok great.


Hello Brian,

I appreciate you sharing your experience with calculating the annual cost of an application as a percentage of the total cost of all applications. It seems like you were able to successfully tackle the issue by utilizing the ALL function in DAX. Your DAX metrics for calculating the total cost and percentage of application cost to total cost appear to be solid. It takes a certain level of expertise to handle these types of calculations, so well done.

I do agree that it’s important to have a clear understanding of application costs, but I find your method to be quite complex. Personally, I found an alternative approach to this problem online. Have you considered using a cost calculator program for application development? This seems like a brilliant solution for people like me who struggle with arithmetic and formulas.

I came across this cost calculator: As I understand it, you can sincerely choose the objects that are applicable to your project, and the approximate value will be displayed on the screen. It’s a effortless way to get an estimate.