I need help with the below case. what i want to achieve is, anybody who has subscribe before November then calculate the fees from Nov to the current month or any members who registered after November, calculate the subscription cost by from subscription date.
NB: The Nov date is hard coded and i have attached an excel file …column E has the calculation but need to be based on the date.
My table columns:
Subscription date, subscription amount, first name and last name.
subscription_date < 1/11/2022
one_off_amount = member_subscription.subscription_cost * no. of months from November 2022 to the current month (eg. Nov – Dec = 2 months )
Subscription_date >=1/11/2022
one_off_amount = member_subscription.subscription_cost * no. of months from month(subscription_date) to the current month (eg. Nov – Dec = 2 months) test_file.xlsx (9.4 KB)
In order to achieve the results based on the scenario that you’ve mentioned. Below is the DAX measure alongwith the screenshot of the final results provided -