Bulk update multiple queries in Power Query

Hi all,

I have a few existing Power BI datasets with each multiple tables (or queries in Power Query terminology). Each of these queries have a ‘hard coded’ Source at the moment. I would like to parameterize this, but ideally wouldn’t like to open each query in the Advanced Editor one by one. It would be great to achieve a bulk replace across all queries in a dataset. Similar to what one can do with multiple DAX formulas in Tabular Editor.
Is there a way to do this with Power Query queries? Any tips, tricks or suggestions would be appreciated!


Grab a coffee and watch this.

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Thanks a lot for the quick reply ystroman!!!

This is a great step, but I still see a hurdle.
The thing is I currently have data in a Synapse SQL database and my new source is a Databricks database…
So my current source is like: Sql.Database(<Synapse_Workspace>, <Synapse_Database>) and I need to move to a source that is like:
Databricks.Catalogs(<Databricks_Workspace>, <Databricks_Warehouse>, [Catalog=DatabricksCatalog, Database=<Databricks_Database>, EnableAutomaticProxyDiscovery=null])

I think the approach of Patrick is great as long as the source was an Excel file and stays an Excel or was a Synapse SQL database and stays a Synapse SQL database, but what if the database type changes as well?

Any thoughts?