Builds 19 - Call Centres Data Reporting


Caveat here that I am speaking here as just a challenge participant and not as a member of the Enterprise DNA team with any specific knowledge about this beyond what’s been provided, but I interpreted it exactly as you did. The fact that there’s an SLA in place seems to make it clear that this is a contractual arrangement, and thus the higher the service costs, the lower the profitability to the contractor. So, in my analysis I am making the assumption that costs are an expense to be minimized.

  • Brian

Update: I just saw @FPastor’s post above where he says that we are free to interpret call charges as a revenue or a cost. I personally think that’s a good approach - where there is ambiguity, make a reasonable assumption, document that assumption and carry it forward consistently throughout your report.


@BINavPete ,

In past Challenges where I have had to make assumptions about hourly U.S. rates, I have often used ZipRecruiter average rates. Here’s their data for hourly rates for U.S. call centers:

  • Brian


Thank you for your post and observation.

Customers are aware of the call charges rate per minute and are happy to engage with EDNA’s Call Centre.

Your task is to analyse the data provided and prepare a report based on it.



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Hi everyone,
As a new participant in the challenges, I have 2 doubts.

  1. What’s the best publishing practices or steps to follow? I would like not to publish the report using my professional account, as I’m participating in this challenge by myself, so I decided to create a new account and share it vie “Publish to Web (Public)”. Is that ok?

  2. Is there a way to share an R visual sharing the report using the method described in the point 1? I tried and the R visual is reporting an error.

Thank you in advance.



Hi Bernat,
Thanks for your questions, please see below.

  1. When the time comes and you are to submit, please email me your file. We have a Power BI subscription for this matter. I will publish your report in Service and pass you a link for sharing as you see fit.

  2. I am not very familiar with R Visual, copying one of my colleagues in this message to clarify further. In the interim, please see blink below from microsoft refering to R Visuals and possible errors.,Viewing%20R%20visuals%20in%20the%20Power%20BI%20service,and%20visualization%20power%20of%20R.

@BrianJ any help for this question with R Visuals in desktop or services.

I hope this clarifies and please do not hesitate to contact me if you need further advice.

Kind regards,

Federico Pastor

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Hi all. I included a Python visual in my challenge #8 submission back in Nov 2020 and found out publish-to-web didn’t support (at that time) Python or R visuals. Not sure if that has changed, but AFAIK it’s still not possible when using PTW.


@BernatDuran and @FPastor ,

Unfortunately, Power BI does not support rendering of R visuals in Publish to Web (see full documentation below). This is part of the reason I’m switching to Deneb for my more complex custom visualizations that previously I probably would’ve done in ggplot2 in R.

In addition to supporting PTW, Deneb also doesn’t require the installation of separate environments and typically renders much faster than R or Python visuals.

@Greg is currently working on a terrific Deneb course for eDNA members that we plan to release this summer.

I hope this is helpful.

  • Brian

Thank you for you answer @FPastor , @Greg and @BrianJ .

I was about to deliver my report with an R visual, so I need to change my approach about that.

Appreciate your help.



This Extended Calendar Table_Edna.txt I am getting syntax errors on it. Is it something we need?

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No you can use your own calendar table, perhaps you want to explain the error you’re receving or how you are incorporating it in power Query.

Thanks and regards,


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Hello Challengers!!

Here it is the last phase of Enterprise DNA Challenge 19 “Call Centre Data Reporting”

From EDNA’s Call Centres CEO – Mark Phoney

“Important Notice”

Congratulations and thank you for engaging in this project with us. We are in the final stage of this project.

We have already provided you with two dataset files – Part 1 and Part 2 – Now we would like you to provide in your report a range of native and custom visualizations. No restrictions in the type of visualization you can display – please make sure your report portrays well your data analysis and storytelling .

*Secondly and especially important, we would be grateful if you take a screenshot of one of your report pages and post it in the forum (DNA platform members) or in the Enterprise DNA Challenges group on LinkedIn for non-member. Please provide by the end of the week 29/04/2022 - - 2022/04/29

This will provide senior management with an overview of report styles, layout and visualizations techniques that can be displayed within Power BI.

Report Developer Role

it is your job as an analyst to prepare a report that summarise, the overall service provided by EDNA’s Call Centres and enabling its senior Management to have a better view of its operations. There is not limit by the number of pages or technique you can use in your report. Feel free to use all the techniques at your disposal – tooltips, drill throughs, page navigation, etc.

You are now in possession of all the datasets and instructions . You can now continue with your report development and enter the competition.

Important Read!!
Submission of entries

Remember your final report must be submitted by the 09/05/2022 – 2022-05-09 .

To be considered within the competition, entries are due no later than 11:59pm PST Monday, May 9, 2022.

If you are not already following Enterprise DNA on LinkedIn, please do so and join our challenge group at:

How to submit:

Email the completed PBIX file to

Take an image of your report and post it to the Enterprise Challenges Group.

If you are a platform member, take an image and the Publish to Web URL of your report and post it to the Enterprise DNA forum.

If you are not a member of Enterprise DNA learning platform do the same in the Enterprise DNA Challenges Group.

Take the image and URL and post it on LinkedIn tagging Enterprise DNA saying, “I accepted the Enterprise DNA challenge.”

We always encourage participants to do a brief description of how they approach the project and share their experience of participating in the challenge and sharing it on the forum and on social media.

If you need any help with publishing, please reach out to one of the team for assistance (post in the forum/LinkedIn group and or email to

That is all for the update, good luck!!


If my report contains a bunch of different tabs do you want an image of each tab?

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If you refer to tabs as report pages, I only need one. Pick one that you like it an post it.

Thanks and Regards,


Please find a page from W.I.P. Call Center report.

Thank you. Bill



Thanks William,

I expect to see your full entry soon.

Best of luck,


If we don’t provide an image are we excluded from the challenge?

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Other participants NO, but you Mr. David Joe YES :laughing:

No of course no, but it would be nice if one is provided.

Thanks David.


:joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

Mr Pastor…that really made me laugh…I will do my best but on a training course 5-9pm each night this week…except for Friday…hopefully there is enough of my brain left to put a wireframe together.

I’ll make extra effort since it’s you!



Hi Guys

Reckon @DavieJoe got a banger of an App and just too shy to share. :joy:

2nd shot at a challenge for me. Reckon this is better than my rubbish first go in December.

Looking forward to the feedback



Haha, @BINavPete I wish that was the case…it’s a banger in my head…unfortunately that is where it currently resides. My other half is away this coming weekend and the next, so that was when I’d planned to create my report.