Budgeting Algorithm

Hey All
Wanted to get your views on this as I normally used to use TREATAS when doing budgeting.
When creating budgeting data we normally have an algorithm to get a daily level figure.

When creating the budget data surely it wold be easier just adding in a date[date] column inside and joining the relationship up? This way u get full view on Date, Month,Quarter and so on?

Just wanted your views on this mate.


Sure that would be the easiest, but the reality in most cases is that budget or forecasting information is not done on such a granular level. Usually it comes in monthly, quarterly or yearly numbers. So using alternative modeling and formula techniques are required in those cases.



I get your point.

I probably should have clarified. The reason why you would get a date column inside the new budget table is then i would report on a Monthly, Quarter basis.

But no worries I like TREATAS just as much, was just curious to see what you thought :slight_smile:

