Power BI is a great tool to total transactions in a given period, e.g. items sold in month January 2019, revenue in year 2019, etc. But what to do if I want to know the current balance or inventory level, like “there is $13.753,28 on the account” or “there are 27 game boxes on stock”?
I basically see there options:
- Get the current balance value at each refresh from the data source.
- Sum up all transactions since forever, which, if I have access to all this data at all, can be a lot of data.
- Have a starting balance “pseudo” transaction that gives me the balance e.g. at January 1st and then calculate from there.
I checked the finacial reporting and inventory managment showcases and both use approach number 1. Is this the solution I should be looking for? What are pros and cons for this approach and are there showcases using the other approaches as well?
Thanks a lot in advance!