Hello all
I’m trying to do a balance sheet and this is what i have. Balance.xlsx (10.8 KB)
Now, my idea is to check (because i have to) every account ID and the Liquid value if is negative or positive and give it a name, for example, like this:
else if [AccountID] = “22” and [Liquid] < 0 then “Fornecedores=Passivo corrente=Capital próprio e passivo”
else if List.Contains ( { “264”, “265”, “268” }, [AccountID]) and [Liquid] < 0 then “Accionistas (sócios)=Passivo corrente=Capital próprio e passivo”
else if [AccountID] = “24” and [Liquid] < 0 then “Estado e outros entes públicos=Passivo corrente=Capital próprio e passivo”
and so on. But you can imagine how many “else ifs” i have…
Is there any other (faster) way of doing it? I thought on merge a table but the problem is that i also have to check the liquid value.
Can you help me?
Thanks a lot
If you have a table with associated names in another query a “merge” sounds much more friendly… However non of that was present in your sample so I made something up.
Created a tName query that contains a Name for each AccountID
Next added a Custom Column, first testing the value (green) and when it passes retrieving the name (yellow) otherwise returning a null - you can adjust this to your actual needs.
Hey @Melissa
I’m so sorry but i don’t think i told you the whole story. I have to check for each and every account id, their number AND the liquid value. Which means, for example, for account ID 232 i may have two different text names, depending on the liquid value > 0 or not.
But you gave me a brilliant idea. I will come up with an extra table, with account id and text value if liquid >0 and another text value if liquid <0. After this merge, i will choose the column that i need with something like, If liquid >0 then column 1 else column 2.
I believe this would work, right? Well, anything’s better than 65 else ifs…
Do you mind to let me know what do you think or if you’d do it another way?