Background Colour in Power BI

I am trying to get my formated background colour to work but it is not coming the way I expected.

From the second image, the colours should come as the values are expected to trigger the conditions to work. But is only colouring for Sales Person. I wanted it to be where ever the condition is true
I have attached my file

BGColour.pbix (31.3 KB)

Thank you


Hi @upwardD

In the Apply To drop down, if you change that to Values and Totals that should do all. I’ve also tweaked your boundaries a bit, as 93% was coming out as red which I don’t think is what you wanted? The real numbers behind that column will be / 100 so your rules should be the same. I may have misunderstood that part though!

BGColour.pbix (31.1 KB)


Thank you!