Average per category, per group and per month, including blank in the starting base


After looking without finding, I turn to you. Thank you again for your help. I cannot reproduce on Power BI an operation that I have in Excel (see attached files), this operation consists in averaging by group of elements and by month, and then averaging the groups of elements at the bottom of the column and so on for all the months. The average calculated at the bottom of each month is used to fill in the index of the All_Groupe element for the month in question, and so on to fill in the rest of the indices of the All_Groupe element (see joints). I added an excel file and a power bi.

I want to get on Power BI the same result as the indices of the All_Groupe element in both tables.
Thank you for your help.
question.pbix (40.9 KB)
dcas.xlsx (16.7 KB)

Hi @tapzad,

please see if attached fulfills your needs, I created a measure which gives you the desired result.

question.pbix (43.4 KB)


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Hello @Slipper
Great !
that solves my problem, thank you very much.


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Hi @tapzad,

great to hear!
You’re welcome :slight_smile: