I was hoping someone might be able to help with what I think should be quite simple but I can’t get to work.
I have a table with test results. Each test has 5 parts called the CAT4 type (overall, verbal, non-verbal, quantitative and spatial). Pupils sit the test in different years so we can see changes over time. This is shown in the test cycle column.
I’m trying to create a measure that calculates the average score based on only the most recent test a pupil has sat. The logic goes something like:
For each StudentID, filter the table to only show the max of test cycle, then average the CAT4 score.
Is there a specific requirement to use iterating function MAXX?
The same result can also be achieved with aggregating functions and if your dataset is huge, this will help in improving the performance. Nonetheless, both methods will work. The measure with the aggregating function is as follows:
New Measure =
VAR MaxTestCycle = MAX( Sheet1 [Test cycle] )
AVERAGE( Sheet1 [CAT4Score] ),
Sheet1 [Test cycle] = MaxTestCycle
ALLEXCEPT( Sheet1, Sheet1 [StudenID] )
I have attached both the dataset file and pbix file showing both the methods.
If you include the dataset and pbix file when you ask question on the forum, it will really help in answering the query speedily and accurately.
Thank you both. There isn’t a specific requirement to use MAXX - I just assumed that would be a part of the solution. I’ll give the solutions a go shortly.
Hi @corkemp, did the response provided by the experts help you solve your query? If not, how far did you get and what kind of help you need further? If yes, kindly mark the thread as solved. Thanks!
No there isn’t. Like @MudassirAli illustrated the same can be achieved with the aggregation MAX just know that this is syntax sugar, under the hood the DAX engine uses the iterator MAXX