I have a matrix, Provider ID, score 1(from table1),score2 (from table2), by Month.
The two tables are linked by Provider. I can’t just add and divide by 2 because there are blanks in some of the scores. I tried every version of AverageX and just can’t get it. Thanks for any help.
Without PBIX it’s difficult to advise properly but try something like
Avg Score =
ISBlank( [Score1] ),
ISBlank( [Score2] ),
DIVIDE( [Score1] + [Score2], 2, Blank() )
Hope this helps
Hello @suellenjackson, just following up if the response above help you solve your inquiry?
If not, kindly provide the PBIX file @BINavPete requested so other users can help you further.
Hello @suellenjackson , it’s been a while since we got a response from you. In case there won’t be any activity on it in the next few days, we’ll be tagging this post as Solved.