Approval Sequence & Status based on fact table

I have a list of unapproved AP invoices & a reviewer group fact table. each invoice has a reviewer group. I want to show all of the reviewers for the group assigned to the AP invoice (there can be 1-4 approvers per group) and if they approved the invoice or not. I’ve attached the unapproved AP invoice table with 4 columns at the end in pink to show what I want it to look like. Every time I think I’m close I end up with a billion duplicated records.

The data in the created columns (or DAX measures) should show the reviewer’s initials and the ApprovedYN status.

Any ideas??

UnapprovedAPInv.xlsx (9.9 KB)
ReviewerGroup.xlsx (9.6 KB)

Hi @BernM

Is this what you are expecting ?

exactly!! how do i get that??

Hi @BernM

Create a calculated columns like…

Change the approvalseq number for other columns

Sequence & Status.pbix (52.6 KB)

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