Annual average headcount based on two measures actual and forecast

Dear Enterprise DNA Members,

Can I please kindly ask for your help and support with the following issue (the pbix file is attached)?

The pbix file is just a simplified version. I have to calculate Annual Headcount Average over the reporting year that consists of actual months (YTD) and forecast months (YTG). I have two measures - one for average actual and another for average forecast. Now I am struggling to combine the two measures to be able to calculate Annual Average.

Please note that Full Year Forecast is dynamic based on stakeholders’ request, i.e. a user can choose forecast version and Full Year Forecast will be pulled, e.g. 5+7 forecast means 5 months of actual and 7 months of the forecast that was loaded at the end of May.

pbix file shows that we have a version of forecast loaded every month into ERP database.

Many thanks in advance
Mira Abel
Aberdeen, Scotland
Annual Average Headcount Issue.pbix (44.9 KB)

I see that the data model does not connect to the Fct_Jrnl table. Perhaps that was an oversight? When I connect it, there doesn’t seem to be any Journal Types that match.


In my real model I have a dimensional (lookup) table with various journal types.

I did not replicate the Journal Type to the sample model as it is irrelevant. I am using the Forecast Journal table as a slicer to “grab” the forecast version selected.

Kind regards


I would like to let you know - just in case you will come with the same issue/task - the only way I could get the calculation in DAX for AVERAGEX for a mix of actual and forecast data was through Power Query. I marked rows for each forecast version, ie. 2+10 would have all actual from Ledger A for period 1 and 2 and 10 months from Ledger F for period 3 to 12, etc. Via list functions. Then from the row context it was easy to calculate AVERAGE of mixed data.

Kind regards

Hi @mira_abel

Try using below measure and check if you get desired result. If seems lengthy or complex, then you can create FCT_YTG and ACT_YTD as separate measure and use inside this Final measure.

Forecast Average Headcount by Month = 

VAR MonthInUse = SELECTEDVALUE(Fct_Jrnl[Month])
VAR DateInUse = DATE(2021, MonthInUse,1)
VAR FctDateMarker = DATE(2021, MonthInUse+1,1)
    [Forecast Monthly Average Headcount],
 _db_table[AccPer_#date] > DateInUse,
                    _db_table[Transaction Date]=FctDateMarker

   [Actual Monthly Average Headcount],
            _db_table[AccPer_#date]<= DateInUse

RETURN if(HASONEVALUE(Dates[YYYY-MMM]),FCT_YTG + ACT_YTD,CALCULATE(AVERAGEX(SUMMARIZE(_db_table,_db_table[Ledger],_db_table[AccPer_#date],"@val",if(_db_table[Ledger] = "K",CALCULATE(
   [Actual Monthly Average Headcount],
            _db_table[AccPer_#date]<= DateInUse
    [Forecast Monthly Average Headcount],
 _db_table[AccPer_#date] > DateInUse,
                    _db_table[Transaction Date]=FctDateMarker

Ankit J