Analytics Magnifying glass icon

I can’t find the Analytics icon that used to be in the Viz pane but has moved or missing.
Older version
Analytics Magnifying Glass icon
New version
Analytics icon missing

Hi @JohnAdair,

here is the link from Microsoft Power BI website

Use the Analytics pane in Power BI Desktop - Power BI | Microsoft Learn

I hope it helps out.


Hi @Keith. Thanks for the help, but that doesn’t solve my problem. That tells me how to use it, but not where to find it. See, the Microsoft documents page has the old version which has the magnifying glass icon. If you look at my screenshots, you’ll see that there is no magnifying glass icon for the analytics pane in the newer version (latest updates).

never mind than…i don’t see it any place. likely not part of the new versions

Bummer. :sleepy:

Hi @JohnAdair,

You could find it in new version in old place:


but keep in mind that not all visuals have that options.

Best regards,

Hi @mspanic,

Thanks. Sadly, I have the latest version and still don’t have that option. I used to have that option when the theme was yellow but haven’t had it for a while now.

Here’s a screenshot of my version.
and here’s a screenshot of my Viz pane
Analytics Magnifying Glass icon still missing

Weird. lol.


Hi @JohnAdair ,

It looks like same version


I was trying on Line chart and there it is:


Hi @mspanic ,

Yes, we have the same version. So, that gave me the idea to click on a line chart and the Magnifying glass icon appears when you have a visual activated. It’s Dynamic! It goes away with you click outside of a visual.

Thanks for the help. Problem solved. :grinning: :grinning:

Here a screenshot without viz clicked on…

Here’s a screenshot with a viz clicked on…

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