I have been given some call center data from our customer service manager and he would like to be able to work out the number of operators required using the Erlang C calculation. Attached is some call center data for one day.
Does anyone have any ideas on how to put the Erlang C calculation into Power BI?
Here’s a good article on implementing the Erlang C formula in Excel:
In Power BI, I would set the inputs using “What If” parameters, and then break the formula into smaller components in DAX using variables, similar to the approach in the article above.
Learned something new today, never heard of this formula before.
I wonder what the limit is for Power BI to calculate this, given the max in Excel of >170.
I have never heard of Erlang C calculation, so I am grateful for bringing it up.
Do you need Power BI to work out your exercise? I am asking because there’s an Excel model developed specifically for this purpose: www.callcentrehelper.com
Thank you @Paul. Greatly appreciated. I might do as @dimbroane suggested and get them to plug in these details into the website and they can plug this into a spreadsheet and I can import that.