I was watching an eDNA video yesterday and the video showed that on a report that was being showcased, the information button had been used and when it was hovered over, it had a whole lot of text that appeared to be coming from a tool tip page or similar. I’d like to be able to do this rather than sending a user away to another page to read FAQs but upon going into Power BI today, it doesn’t seem as if you can link a tool tip page to a button. Is someone able to explain how I can do this please?
I’ve attached a screen shot from the video to help show what I am wanting to do

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Hey @5thGreen this is a handy little trick to know.
- Create your info button
- Create a new page in your report , go to the Page Information setting and turn on “Allow use as tooltip”
- Create your tooltip/visual you wish to be displayed on this page
- Create a measure that is blank. I’ve called mine Blank KPI,enter as
Blank KPI = " "
- You must remember to put a space between the speech marks.
- I place this blank measure in a KPI card.
- Place over the top of the button you wish to display the tooltip
- Set the background transparency to 100% so you see right through the KPI Card
- Turn off the Category Label of your KPI
- Go to the Tooltips option in the KPI card settings, have the Type option set to Report Page and point it to your Tooltip page (in my example I’ve called the page Tooltip)
You should be good to go. In my example provided, I’ve put a border on my blank KPI so you can actually see it.
Tooltip for Button.pbix (18.3 KB)

Love it! Thanks so much Dave!
All the best
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No worries, always happy to help & spread the knowledge!