Adding custom font family in power bi report

I am trying to add custom font family in my power bi but not able to do that so .
I want to add the bold variant of the text family in power bi but on import it show the font in normal weight .
Adding the json which i used to add to add bold font
{“name”:“Helvetica Neue Bold”,


The output which is get is not bold as you can see in the below screenshot:

Plz let me know i can import the requested font family in my power bi report.

Hi @Anurag, we aim to consistently improve the topics being posted on the forum to help you in getting a strong solution faster.

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Hi @Anurag

Two things spring to mind here as it looks like the font that Power BI is displaying in your screenshot is times new roman:

  1. You don’t have that font installed on your system, or
  2. you’ve encountered the last caveat as mentioned in this article Custom fonts in Power BI - everything you wanted to know! - Data Mozart (

Hopefully, you can get things going from here :slight_smile:

Kind regards


Hi ,

I have installed the font in my computer as you can see in the below screenshot but still its not picking the font am i doing some thing wrong.


Did you see this note in the article and apply the workaround as suggested?

One more important thing to keep in mind : if you manually change the font of the visual once you open your .pbix file, BEFORE importing the theme, and then import the theme, changes will not be applied! I don’t know if it is a bug or what, but let me show you what’s the issue:

How to set json if i want to use X format for all title and Y format for all the visual and it value in report.


The theme generator mentioned in the article would give you a custom set of JSON which you could then modify to match what you’re wanting to do. It looks like it covers the areas you want to customise.

Power BI Theme Generator

Otherwise, I’d recommend the MS Documentation to find the JSON field you need to add - it’s an extensive list of options…

Use report themes in Power BI Desktop - Power BI | Microsoft Docs

Let us know if this helps.

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Thanks for sharing this resource it will be very helpful for me.