Adding a column to filter by multiple values

I have 4 applications that are of interest by executives. In some cases more than one executive is interested in an App.

I need to create a filter on the page (a column or parameter) where if you click on an executive their interested Apps appear.

I’ve tried a Switch True but I can’t get it to work when an App is of interest to multiple Executives.


eDNA Filter or Parameter.pbix (19.0 KB)

is the print screen the kind of visual you are looking for?
In your pbix I only see a table, no measure using the swith statement. The added visual is using a relationship between two tables

number of incident

table with the exectutives and their interest in the app

the first table has unique apps so you can create a relation ship

kind regards

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I had a switch true but I deleted it because I could not get it working.
The Switch True would assign an executive to a column and that would be that. You can’t assign two executives to the same App.

Your image is exactly what I’m trying to accomplish. Creating a secondary table is a good idea. I’m not sure why I didn’t think of it. The person i am working with is using Tableau and they had created a parameter to get the answer, so i think i then went with the same idea, i need a column or parameter

Let me take this away…

This does the trick…
One of those days where my brain was taking a little nap.