This question follows on from @Melissa’s solution to this problem: combining list of tables
See attached files:
Company_1.xlsx (16.2 KB)
Company_2.xlsx (16.3 KB)
Table_list_addcols.pbix (34.9 KB)
How can I use Table.AddColumn
to dynamically add filename column for each table in column GetData[Data]
(list of tables)?
See below transform which doesn’t work I’ve commented my failed attempt called tbl_add_filename. I also started looking at List.Zip but suspect zipping makes it overly complicated.
Headers = {"PeopleNames", "People", "Location"},
Source = Folder.Files(f_directory),
tbl_from_Content = Table.AddColumn(Source, "table", each Excel.Workbook([Content])),
xlsx_only = Table.SelectRows(tbl_from_Content, each ([Extension] = ".xlsx")),
GetData = Table.ExpandTableColumn(xlsx_only, "table", {"Name", "Data", "Item", "Kind", "Hidden"}, {"Name2", "Data", "Table_name", "Kind", "Hidden"}),
// tbl_add_filename = Table.TransformColumns(GetData, {"Data", each Table.AddColumn(_, "subby", GetData[Name])}), //How to grab column from GetData table and put into [Data]
ToTable = Table.Combine(
Table.SelectRows(GetData, each Text.StartsWith([Table_name], "Company_tbl"))[Data],
each Table.SelectColumns( _, Headers )))