About the Data Visualization category

Participate in these workout exercises to boost your understanding and skills in Data Visualization.


Data Visualization is where the rubber meets the road – you can clean your data perfectly, build a flawless star schema data model, write beautiful, optimized DAX and perform world-class analysis, but if your visualizations are ineffective then your report is a failure.

In this workout, you will learn from one of the very best in the world how to effectively visualize your data analyses, findings and recommendations in an beautiful way that will immediately grab the attention of your viewers.


When you have completed the workout, just post a screenshot of your final visualization(s) and upload a copy of your PBIX file.


This post is part of the Enterprise DNA platform initiative to provide information about the Workouts | Data Visualization Category.

To ask any questions on the content covered in this category please start a new topic within the forum. You may check this how-to guide for reference - How To Use The Enterprise DNA Support Forum.

Thank you!

β€œThe sheer awesomeness of it is palpable, and I am eagerly anticipating its arrival. Gustaw, with his impressive skill set and expertise in Power BI, serves as a great role model for me.”